John J Macionis

Sociology - 17 - Noida Pearson 2024 - xxx,856p. PB 25x20cm.

With a complete theoretical framework and a global perspective, Sociology by Macionis, 17/e offers students a comprehensive and relevant introduction to sociology. This informative, engaging, and entertaining title will change the way readers see the world and open the door to many new perspectives and opportunities. This seventeenth edition elevates Sociology’s high standard of excellence, ensuring that it remains one of the foremost comprehensive introductory sociology resources for students and instructors alike.• Updated Power of Society figures - These figures have been updated for this edition to help students give up some of their cultural common sense that points to the importance of "personal choice” by showing them evidence of how society shapes our major life decisions.• This revision carries recent the most recent data on income, wealth, poverty, education, employment, and other important issues.

Contents1 The Sociological Perspective 2 Sociological Investigation 3 Culture 4 Society 5 Socialization6 Social Interaction in Everyday Life7 Mass Media and Social Media8 Groups and Organizations 9 Sexuality and Society 10 Deviance 11 Social Stratification 12 Social Class in the United States 13 Global Stratification 14 Gender Stratification 15 Race and Ethnicity 16 Aging and the Elderly 17 The Economy and Work 18 Politics and Government 19 Families 20 Religion 21 Education 22 Health and Medicine 23 Population, Urbanization, and Environment24 Collective Behavior and Social Movements25 Social Change: Traditional, Modern, and Postmodern Societies


Sociological Investigation
Mass Media and Social Media
Social Stratification

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