Donald L Pavia...[et. al]

Introduction to spectroscopy - 5 - New Delhi Cengage learning 2022 - xvii,748 PB 25x20cm.

NEWEST SPECTRA TECHNIQUES: You can easily provide students with the latest spectra techniques, found in Appendix 10, "Index of Spectra".
MODERN COVERAGE: The book provides a modern presentation on one-dimensional NMR spectroscopy.
DETAILED COVERAGE: The mass spectrometry material in Chapter 8 provides a detailed look at biological molecules for the latest coverage on this important topic.
NEWEST SPECTRA TECHNIQUES: The latest spectra techniques are provided in Appendix 10, "Index of Spectra".
UP-TO-DATE SPECTROGRAPHS: Throughout the text, spectrographs are created with the latest techniques to ensure accuracy.
A TRUSTED, PROVEN RESOURCE: For more than 30 years, this text has proven to be an excellent resource for spectroscopy students and those seeking a solid introductory reference text on spectroscopy.
Table of Contents
'1. Molecular Formulas and What Can Be Learned from Them. 2. Infrared Spectroscopy. 3. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Part One: Basic Concepts. 4. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Part Two: Carbon-13 Spectra, Including Heteronuclear Coupling with Other Nuclei. 5. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Part Three: Spin-Spin Coupling. 6. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Part Four: Other Topics in One-Dimensional NMR. 7. Ultraviolet Spectroscopy. 8. Mass Spectrometry. 9. Combined Structure Problems. 10. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Part Five: Advanced NMR Techniques. Answers to Selected Problems. Appendix 1: Infrared Absorption Frequencies of Functional Groups. Appendix 2: Some Representative Chemical Shift Values for Various Types of Protons. Appendix 3: Typical Proton Coupling Constants. Appendix 4: Calculation of Proton (1H) Chemical Shifts. Appendix 5: Calculation of Carbon-13 Chemical Shifts. Appendix 6: 13C Coupling Constants. Appendix 7: Tables of Precise Masses and Isotopic Abundance Ratios for Molecular Ions Under Mass 100 Containing Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Oxygen. Appendix 8: Common Fragment Ions Under Mass 105. Appendix 9: Handy-Dandy Guide to Mass Spectral Fragmentation Patterns. Appendix 10: Index of Spectra.


Molecular Formulas
Infrared Spectroscopy
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Combined Structure

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