Ron Severdia and others

Using Joomla - 2. - Mumbai Shroff Publishers and Distributors Pvt Ltd 2014 - xx,338 p. PB 23x17.6 cm.

If you’re new to content management systems—or even new to building websites—this practical guide will get you up and running in no time. You don’t have to know much code, if any, to get started. Need to build a website quickly? Have a client that requires a powerful website with lots of compelling features? Ideal for web designers and developers alike, this updated edition takes you step-by-step through site creation with Joomla, with plenty of hands-on exercises along the way.

Table of contents:
1. Overview A Brief History of Joomla Joomla Series End-of-Life Dates Why Open Source and the GPL? The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a CMS: Static Versus Dynamic Joomla Concepts 2. Planning Your Website Example Website: Joomla Pet Center Goals of the Website Hands-On Exercise: Write Your Goals Planning Menu Items Hands-On Exercise: Choose Menu Items and Layout Planning Categories Hands-On Exercise: Make Your List of Categories Planning Articles Hands-On Exercise: Make Your List of Articles Planning Users Hands-On Exercise: Write Out Your Users and What They Can See or Do Choosing Extensions Choosing a Template Home Page Layout Hands-On Exercise: Draw Out Your Home Page Internal Page Layout Hands-On Exercise: Draw Out Your Internal Page Layout 3. A Tour of the Administrator Panel Control Panel Administrator Menus System Users Menus Content Components Extensions Help Personal Information Settings Administrator Modules Top Toolbar Filtering and Display Footer Menu 4. Setting Up the Basics of Your Website Content Categories Creating Categories Hands-On Exercise: Create Your Categories Publishing and Unpublishing Categories Copying Categories Uncategorized Category Creating Articles Hands-On Exercise: Create Your Articles Article Publishing and Unpublishing Creating Menu Items Text Separator Menu Item type Hands-On Exercise: Create Text Separator Menu Items Creating Single Article Menu Item Types Hands-On Exercise: Single Article Menu Item Types Category Blog Layout Hands-On Exercise: Category Blog Category List Menu Item Type Mastering Backups Template Parameters The Style Tab Template CSS Overrides Features Tab Menu Tab Layouts Tab Advanced and Assignments Tabs Creating Modules Placeholder Custom HTML Module Hands-On Exercise: Create Custom HTML Placeholder Modules Ordering Modules Duplicating Modules Deleting Modules Frontend Layout After Building the Structure 5. Creating Content Joomla Pet Center Article Options Hierarchy Hands-On: Setting the Global Article Options Changing Menu Item Options The WYSIWYG Editor Installing JCE Customizing Articles: Recommended Guidelines Copying and Pasting Pasting Lists Heading Tags Text Color and Underline Tables Hyperlinking Internal Links to Content Items Hands-On Exercise: Hyperlinking to Internal Content Hands-On Exercises: External Hyperlinks Hands-On Exercise: Email Address Hyperlinks Adding Embedded HTML Code and Text Filtering Hands-On Exercise: Add a YouTube Video Read More and Pagebreak Meta Description and Keywords Article Management Versioning/Revisions and Editing Articles Check In Ordering Articles Permissions Archiving Articles Trashing Articles Adding Content to Modules Hands-On Exercise: Showing Modules Inside an Article 6. Managing Media and Creating Galleries Media Manager Navigating Views and Managing Media Uploading and Deleting Media Hands-On Exercise: Uploading Media Hands-On Exercise: Deleting Media Using Media in Your Articles Hands-On Exercise: Adding an Image to an Article Hands-On Exercise: Adding Folders and Uploading Images from the Editor Hands-On Exercise: Changing an Image Hands-On Exercise: Removing an Image Hands-On Exercise: Hyperlinking an Image Hands-On Exercise: Linking Documents Organizing Media Resizing, Optimizing, and Naming Image Files Global Media Manager Options Adding an Image Gallery Hands-On Exercise: Installing sigplus Hands-On Exercise: Creating a Gallery in a Module Hands-On Exercise: Embedding a Gallery in an Article Other Gallery Resources 7. Making Your Website Speak Multiple Languages Offering Your Site Content in Multiple Languages Hands-On Exercise: Installing Multiple Languages When Joomla is Initially Installed Hands-On Exercise: Installing Additional Site Languages After Joomla is Installed Uninstall a Language Translating Your Content Using the Joomla Administrator Interface in Another Language Hands-On Exercise: Setting the Language Options for Site Administrators 8. Starting a Blog Joomla Articles as a Blog Hands-On Exercise: Creating a New Blog Post Hands-On Exercise: Scheduling an Article to Publish and Unpublish Adding Comments, Tags, and Modules to Your Blog Hands-On Exercise: Adding Comments Using Komento Hands-On Exercise: Adding Comments Using the Kunena Forum Hands-On Exercise: Adding Joomla Tags to Your Blog Hands-On Exercise: Adding a Popular Tags Module Hands-On Exercise: Adding a Latest Posts Module 9. Create and Share an Event Calendar Hands-On Exercise: Installing and Configuring JEvents Hands-On Exercise: Creating a Calendar Hands-On Exercise: Creating Event Categories Hands-On Exercise: Adding JEvents to the Menu Hands-On Exercise: Adding Events to JEvents Create One-Time Events Create Recurring Events Adding Events from the Frontend by Visitors/Registered Users Add a Module Showing Latest Events on Other Pages of the Site 10. Creating Forms Contact Form with Contact Enhanced Hands-On Exercise: Installing Contact Enhanced Hands-On Exercise: Creating Beautiful Contact Pages with Forms Hands-On Exercise: Adding a Contact Form to the Menu Hands-On Exercise: Configuring Contact Enhanced Hands-On Exercise: Adding a Contact Form to an Article Hands-On Exercise: Add a Form Field to the Contact Form Hands-On Exercise: Adding Captcha to the Form Testing Your Contact Form Donation Form with RSForm Pro Installing RSForm Configuring RSForm Installing Plugins and Modules for RSForm Pro Creating a Donation Form with PayPal Payment Integration Adding a Form to the Menu 11. Building an Online Store Hands-On Exercise: Installing HikaShop Hands-On Exercise: Configuring HikaShop Hands-On Exercise: Setting Up Payments, Shipping, and Taxes Payments Zones Shipping Tax Hands-On Exercise: Adding Categories, Products, and Attributes Adding the Shop to the Menu Adding HikaShop-Specific Modules Notes About Security, SSL, and PCI Compliance 12. Engaging and Keeping in Touch with Your Users Getting Social with JomSocial Hands-On Exercise: Installing and Configuring JomSocial Hands-On Exercise: Setting Up a Custom User Profile Hands-On Exercise: Setting Up Groups in JomSocial Hands-On Exercise: Creating Events in JomSocial Social Media Sharing Hands-On Exercise: Adding an AddThis Module Creating a Discussion Forum with Kunena Hands-On Exercise: Creating Forum Categories Hands-On Exercise: Creating Category Permissions and Moderating Users Preventing Spam in Your Forum Customizing the Look of Kunena Getting the Word Out with a Newsletter Hands-On Exercise: Setting Up and Creating a Mailing List Hands-On Exercise: Send Your First Newsletter Hands-On Exercise: Letting Users Manage Their Subscriptions with the AcyMailing Module Troubleshooting AcyMailing Additional Newsletter Options 13. Solutions to Common Problems Database Fix Tool SEF URL Settings and SEO Basics SEF URLs Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Basics Favicon Language Overrides Users, User Groups, Access Control Lists (ACLs), and Frontend Editing Hands-On Exercise: Creating Users User Groups Access Control Lists (ACLs) Hands-On Exercise: Allowing a User Group to Edit Specific Content Hands-On Exercise: Control What the User Sees with ACLs Set the Access Level of Your Content Hands-On Exercise: Login Module Setting User Options 14. Making Your Website Secure and Optimized Tips and Best Practices Using Security Tools and Performing Health Checks Additional Resources Enable Two-Factor Authentication I Was Hacked! A. How to Install Joomla Requirements Choosing a Host Local Web Servers One-Click Installers Database Setup File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Web Installer Global Configuration Global Configuration Expanded Site Site settings Metadata settings SEO settings Cookie settings System System settings Debug settings Cache settings Session settings Server Server settings Location settings FTP settings Database settings Mail settings Permissions Text filters Global Check-in Clear Cache Purge Expired Cache System Information B. Updating and Migrating Joomla Joomla Updates Updating Joomla Within a Release Cycle Updating Third-Party Extensions Joomla Migrations Planning for Migration Steps for Mini-Migration: Joomla 2.5 to 3.x Steps for a Full Migration from Joomla 1.5 to 3.x Migration Tools Case Study: Migrating from Joomla 1.5 to 3.x Hands-On Exercise: Migrating from Joomla 1.5 to 3.x Migrate to a New Host While Migrating to 3.x C. Choosing the Right Extensions Which Extension Is Right for Me? What Do I Want the Extension to Do? What Do Others Say About the Extension? Am I Willing to Pay for the Extension? Can I Get Support on the Extension If I Need It? Changelogs License Is It Secure? Is the Extension Encrypted?
Where Can I Find an Extension Used in This Book? Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 6 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Appendix A Appendix B Ways Extensions Are Packaged Disable Install from Web Feature D. Developing for Joomla Joomla Framework and API Developer Resources How to Get Involved and Give Back to the Community E. Tips and Tricks How to Recover Your Admin Password How to Tell If a Website Is Running Joomla Index Colophon Copyright


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