Francis Cherunilam

Business Policy and Strategic Management - Rev ed 6 - Mumbai Himalaya Publishing House 2022 - 456 p. PB 24x18 cm.

his book, very comprehensive and concise, explains the subject matter of Business Policy and Strategic Management in the Indian context. The style is very lucid so that even who do not have any academic background of Management can easily follow it.
There is a profuse use of Indian through out the text. The book also contains a number of Case Studies of Indian companies which are illustrative by themselves and are also ideal for discussion in groups.
Several chapters have been modified. Chapter 7 has been enlarged by adding the topics GAP Analysis, Organisational Capability Profile, Strategic Advantage Profile and Balanced Scorecard. Three cases of the previous edition have been deleted and four new ones added.

Contents :
1. Strategic Management: An Introduction
2. Vision, Mission and Objectives
3. Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business
4. Corporate Governance
5. Business Environment
6. Environmental Forecasting and Analysis
7. Role of Analyses of SWOT, GAP, OCP, SAP and BS in StrategyFormulation
8. Strategy Implementation
9. Strategy and Structure
10. Strategy Evaluation and Control
11. Portfolio Strategy
12. Competitive Analysis and Strategies
13. Corporate Level Generic Strategies
14. Business Growth
15. Mergers and Acquisitions
16. Turnaround Management and Corporate Restructuring
17. Globalisation
18. Functional Strategies
19. Knowledge Management
20. Management of Change



Business Policy
Corporate Governance

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