Kathiresan Loganathan

Social Transformation and Healthcare Practices:an Ethnographic Approach - New Delhi Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt.Ltd 2016 - vii,86 p. PB 23x15 cm.

This volume is a narrative of the social transformation of the Malayali Tribes of Tamil Nadu, who are not to be confused with the Malayalam speaking people of Kerala. It explores how such social transformation has influenced the healthcare practices amongst them. The book outlines the interlinkages between society, culture, economics, politics and health by adopting a historiographical and ethnographical approach. It is a qualitative study that has culminated in a rich source of information of a tribe that is ensconced in a place away from modernity but yet moving towards it, fettered still by the strains of tradition.
Table of Contents
1. Social Transformation of the Malaylis
2. Social Transformation and Healthcare Practices of the Malayalis: An Ethnographic Exploration
3. Scheduled Tribes and Tribal Development in India. A Review
4. Social Transformation of Malayali Tribes in Tamil Nadu
5. Elite Formation, Social Mobility and Cultural Identity
6. Healthcare Practices of Malayali Tribes
7. Social Transformation and Its Influence on Malayali Healthcare Practices: Summary and Conclusions


Social Transformation
social Mobility
Malayali Tribes

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