E Balagurusamy

Programming in C#: A Primer - 4 - Chennai McGraw Hill Education India Private Limited 2022 - xvii,481 p. PB 23x17 cm.

Authored by most trusted name in the area, this text acts like a “Primer”, moving step by step staring from fundamentals to core concepts in much desired logical flow and hence renders conceptual clarity along with simplicity. It is well suited for a first level programming course in C# for the undergraduate students of CSE & IT streams. The book has a comprehensive coverage of foundational concepts of C# Programming, in the light of object orientation, which are explained in simple language and supported with good examples & programming exercises
Table of Contents
1. Introducing C#
2. Understanding .NET: The C# Environment
3. Overview of C#
4. Literals, Variables and Data Types
5. Operators and Expressions
6. Decision Making and Branching
7. Decision Making and Looping
8. Methods in C#
9. Handling Arrays
10. Manipulating Strings
11. Structures and Enumerations
12. Classes and Objects
13. Inheritance and Polymorphism
14. Interface: Multiple Inheritance
15. Operator Overloading
16. Delegates and Events
17. Managing Console I/O Operations
18. Managing Errors and Exceptions
19. Multithreading in C#
20. WindowForms and Web-based Application Development on .NET
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E


Introducing C #
Overview of C#
Methods in C#
Multithreading in C#
C Sharp

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